Nie jest to jednak wyjazd typowo wypoczynkowy, na co chyba trzeba sie bnastawic/b, ale w pelni wynagradzaja to wrazenia z poznania zupelnie innej kultury i rzeczywistosci, zwlaszcza w porownania z Europa ale i takze innymi kontynentami. ... After that, within a couple of first days, it was very difficult to return to normal:) Our bvacation/b was completed, unfortunately:(?, what is more, at work everybody wanted something from me, also waiting not answered emails, and etc., ...
Umila sam se i sredila nekako.Majka je widela da samnom neshto nije u redu i brzo nagoworila tatu(onako umornog)da me odweze u bolnicu.Nakon kratkog pregleda recheno mi je da ostanem u bolnici. ........nastawice se.......